Results of Baywatch babe vote with sexy, high quality pictures of American and Canadian stars, celebrities, celebs

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All pictures are on my Celebrity CD which I offer at my auctions (I accept PayPal). There are no fake images on the CD. The Baywatch girls poll was closed on Sunday December 16th 2001. The winning Baywatch babe is Carmen Electra. Click on her thumbnail to get the free picture. Enjoy the photographs and biographies.

Angelica Bridges Carmen Electra Donna D'Errico Erika Eleniak Gena Lee Nolin
Angelica Bridges
born on November 20, 1973 in Harrisonville, MO, USA. Began to model at 14, appeared on the cover of Teen Magazine, Miss Missouri Teen at age 16, California Young Miss America 1992, Elite Modeling Agency, television commercials for products such as Diet Coke, Pontiac, Toyota, Doritos, Hanes, IBM, Bally's, Pepsi, American Express, Brut Cologne, Clairol. California Heat (1995), Days of Our Lives (TV-series, Sharon Taylor, 1996), Baywatch (Lieutenant Taylor Walsh, 1997-1998), Mystery Men (1999), The Last Will (2001). US Playboy 11/2001.
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Carmen Electra
Tara Leigh Patrick was born on April 20, 1972 in Cincinnati, OH, USA. Attended the School for Creative and Performing Arts at only nine years old, by the time she was a teenager, she was performing in musicals (as a dancer) and doing her own choreographies, clothes model for Target department stores, discovered by Prince, signed her to a Paisley Park Records label deal in 1992, single named "Go-Go Dancer", self titled debut album was released in 1993. Baywatch (Lani McKensie, 1997-1998), Loveline (Co-Host), spokesperson for Budweiser beer, The Raven: Chosen One (1998), Hyperion Bay (1998), Scary Movie (2000), Get Over It! (2001). Several appearances in Playboy magazine and video.
577 x 782 px
Donna D'Errico
born on March 30, 1968 in Dothan, AL, USA. In Las Vegas limo driver and a stripper for a short period of time. Playboy Playmate of the Month September 1995, Baywatch (Donna Marco, 1996-1998), Men In White (1998, TV film), Candyman: Day of the Dead (1999), Playmate Calendar 1999, BattleBots (2000, TV-series).
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Erika Eleniak
born on September 29, 1969 in Glendale, CA, USA. At age 10 TV commercial for a maker of children's clothes. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Charles in Charge (TV series: Stephanie Curtis, 1988-1989), Playboy Playmate of the Month July 1989, Baywatch (Shauni McClain Kramer, 1989-1992) , Under Siege (1992), Chasers (1994), Girl in the Cadillac (1995), The Pandora Project (1998), Stealth Fighter (1999), The Librarians (2000).
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Gena Lee Nolin
born on November 29, 1971 in Duluth, MN, USA. Miss Las Vegas, Look of the Year award from bigwig agents, Miss Barbizon USA. Studied interior design, waitress. The Price Is Right (TV-series, 1995), Baywatch (Neely Capshaw #2, 1995-1998), The Underground Comedy Movie (1999), The Flunky (2000), Sheena (2000, TV-series).
434 x 768 px
Krista Allen Nicole Eggert Pamela Anderson Tracy Bingham Yasmine Bleeth
Krista Allen
born on April 5, 1972 in Ventura, CA, USA. Modeled when was a teenager, Miss Texas. Majored in education at the University of Texas, interned as a kindergarten teacher. Spokesmodel for Budweiser and Montgomery Ward. Emmanuelle: Queen of the Galaxy (1994), Emmanuelle 2: A World of Desire (1994), Emmanuelle 3: A Lesson In Love (1994), Emmanuelle 4: Concealed Fantasy (1994), Emmanuelle 5: A Time to Dream (1994), Emmanuelle 6: One Final Fling (1994), Emmanuelle 7: The Meaning of Love (1994), Glamour (TV series: Shelley, 1995), Days of Our Lives (TV-series: Billie Reed (#2), 1996-1999), Raven (1997), Baywatch (Jenna Avid, 1999-2001) , Emmanuelle: First Contact (2000), Totally Blonde (2001).
707 x 1000 px
Nicole Eggert
born on January 3, 1972 in Glendale, CA, USA. At the age of five won the Miss Universe Petite Division Pageant, commercials. When She Was Bad... (1979, TV film), Rich and Famous (1981), T.J. Hooker (Chrissie, 1982-1983, TV-film, TV-series), Hambone and Hillie (1984), Who's the Boss? (TV-series: Marci Ferguson, 1985-1986), Annihilator (1986, TV film), Omega Syndrome (1987), Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects (1989), Baywatch (Roberta 'Summer' Quinn, 1992-1994), Secrets (1992, TV film), Blown Away (1992), The Demolitionist (1995), Pink as the Day She Was Born (1997), Sleeping Beauties (1998), Bartender (1998), Submerged (2000).
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Pamela Anderson
born on July 1, 1967 in Ladysmith, BC, Canada. Nickname in high school was "Rubber Band" because of her flexibility and excellence in sports, Labatt's Beer Girl, Home Improvement (TV-series: Lisa (The Tool Time Girl), 1991-1993), Baywatch (Casey Jean 'C.J.' Parker, 1992-1997), Snapdragon (1993), Come Die with Me: A Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer Mystery (1994, TV film), Naked Souls (1995), Barb Wire (1996), Pam & Tommy Lee: Stolen Honeymoon (1998), V.I.P. (TV-series, 1998), Cribs (TV-series, 2000), graced the cover of Playboy magazine more than any other woman in the magazine's history. She is an active advocate of animal rights.
560 x 768 px
Tracy Bingham
born on January 13, 1968 in Cambridge, MA, USA. Half Afro-American, part Cherokee and part Italian. Attended Harvard. Appeared in plays such as West Side Story, Guys and Dolls and Grease. Discovered by director John Landis. Appeared in sitcoms. Demon Knight (1995), Baywatch (Jordan Tate, 1996-1998), Foolish (1999), D.R.E.A.M. Team (TV film + TV series: Victoria Carrera, 1999), Strip Mall (TV-series: Dawna, 2000), The Private Public (2000), BattleBots (2001, TV-series).
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Yasmine Bleeth
born on June 14, 1968 in New York, NY, USA. At the tender age of six months featured as the Johnson & Johnson baby in a shampoo commercial. By age six, appeared in a Max Factor campaign. Fashion photographer Francesco Scavullo. Hey Babe! (1980), Ryan's Hope (TV series: Ryan Fenelli Hyde #3, 1985-1989), One Life to Live (TV series: Lee Ann Demerest Buchanan, 1991-1993), Baywatch (Caroline Holden, 1994-1997), The Force (1994), Heaven or Vegas (1997), Nash Bridges (TV series: Caitlin Cross 1998-2000), The Lake (1998, TV film), BASEketball (1998), Ultimate Deception (1999, TV film), It Came From the Sky (1999, TV film), Hidden War (2000, TV film), Goodbye Casanova (2000), Titans (2000, TV-series).
391 x 768 px

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Softi07 Girls Poll
Who is your favorite Baywatch girl?
  votes ratio
 1.)  Angelica Bridges 4   1%
 2.)  Carmen Electra 70   19%
 3.)  Donna D'Errico 69   19%
 4.)  Erika Eleniak 52   14%
 5.)  Gena Lee Nolin 16   4%
 6.)  Krista Allen 23   6%
 7.)  Nicole Eggert 55   15%
 8.)  Pamela Anderson 26   7%
 9.)  Tracy Bingham 18   5%
 10.)  Yasmine Bleeth 30   8%
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Votes:  363
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