Results of Vote with high quality, hot, sexy pictures of american, german, french, british, italian actresses

German speakers
voting and ranking with erotic pics, images, the celebrity or celebs in sports by famous star or stars, figures movie,  female movies in cinema or motion pictures with models, supermodels, bikini or swimsuit

All pictures are on my Celebrity CD which I offer at my auctions (I accept PayPal). There are no fake images on the CD. The movie stars poll was closed on Sunday March 18th 2001. The winner is Alyssa Milano. Click on her thumbnail to get the free picture. Enjoy the photographs and biographies.

Alyssa Milano Angelina Jolie Asia Argento Denise Richards Franka Potente
Alyssa Milano
born on December 19, 1972 in Brooklyn, NY, USA; at age 8 acting debut in musical; television debut in 1984 (Who's the Boss?), Commando, Melrose Place, Candles in the Dark (TV), The Surrogate (TV), Embrace of the Vampire, To Brave Alaska (TV), Poison Ivy II, Fear, Charmed (TV series)
566 x 768 px
Angelina Jolie
born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles, CA, USA; at age 5 film debut; at 11 studied acting; at age 16 professional modelling; music videos; studied at the Met Theatre Group; Cyborg II, Without Evidence, Foxfire; television roles, Golden Globe Award for George Wallace, Golden Globe for Gia; Playing By Heart, Pushing Tin, The Bone Collector; Girl, Interrupted (Oscar for Best Supporting Actress)
961 x 1200 px
Asia Argento
born on September 20, 1975 in Rome, Italy; Demons 2, Queen Margot, New Rose Hotel, B. Monkey
526 x 911 px
Denise Richards
born on February 17, 1972, in Downers Grove, IL, USA; professional model; Life Goes On (TV Series), TV series guest appearances (Beverly Hills, Seinfeld, Melrose Place, ...), 919 Fifth Avenue (TV), Starship Troopers, Wild Things, Drop Dead Gorgeous, World Is Not Enough (Bond Girl)
582 x 768 px
Franka Potente
born on July 22, 1974 in Dülmen, Germany; It's a Jungle Out There, Babes' Petrol, Opera Ball (TV), Run Lola Run, Blow
556 x 768 px
James King Jennifer Love Hewitt Penelope Cruz Rachael Leigh Cook Shannon Elizabeth
James King
born on April 23, 1979 in Omaha, NE, USA; at age 14 modeling school; by age fifteen already worked for Vogue, Mademoiselle, Allure; fashion shows of Chanel, Dior, Girbaud; heroin addict, alcoholic, now sober; film roles in Four Faces of God, The Happy Campers, Pearl Harbor, Blow
702 x 756 px
Jennifer Love Hewitt
born on February 21, 1979 in Waco, TX, USA; 1989-1991 Kids Incorporated (Disney Channel), first music album 1992; television series; Part of Five (TV Series); House Arrest, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Trojan War, The Suburbans, Heartbreakers
458 x 768 px
Penélope Cruz
born on April 28, 1974 in Madrid, Spain; classical and spanish ballet training, studied drama; Ham Ham; The Age of Beauty, several Spanish films; The Hi-Lo Country, All About My Mother, Woman on Top, All the Pretty Horses, Blow
617 x 1024 px
Rachael Leigh Cook
born on October 4, 1979 in Minneapolis, MN, USA; at age 7 acting in commercials and school musicals, at age 10 modelling; The Baby-Sitters Club, The House of Yes, She's All That, Batman Beyond (TV series), Get Carter, AntiTrust
607 x 780 px
Shannon Elizabeth
born on September 7, 1973 in Houston, TX, USA; modeling career, Ford Modeling Agency, Elite Modeling Management, commercial for Taco Bell; television series; Jack Frost, American Pie, Scary Movie, Tomcats
602 x 675 px

TV is sexy, nude or naked auction, auctions with girls or ladies of lovely women on CD or CDs, for example Sarah Michel Gellar, Alyssa Milano in bikini or swimsuit, but not  Angelina Jolie, hottest Jennifer Love Hewitt about Penelope Cruz
Softi07 Girls Poll
Who is your favorite actress?
  votes ratio
 1.)  Alyssa Milano 54   38%
 2.)  Angelina Jolie 8   6%
 3.)  Asia Argento 1   1%
 4.)  Denise Richards 20   14%
 5.)  Franka Potente 5   4%
 6.)  James King 16   11%
 7.)  Jennifer LOVE Hewitt 24   17%
 8.)  Penelope Cruz 3   2%
 9.)  Rachael Leigh Cook 4   3%
 10.)  Shannon Elizabeth 6   4%
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Votes:  141

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All pictures are full-sized on the Celebrity CD. More information on my home page. If you have any comments or questions feel free to email me. Send an email to [email protected] to get informed when a new poll starts.

Vote in the current poll and look at the pictures and results of the Baywatch babes, classic actresses, tv hosts, bikini models, television stars, sports stars, musicians and supermodels vote.

Alyssa Milano wins, Actress Asia Argento some nude or naked hottest girls, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Denise Richards
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